Disclosure pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 679 dated 27 April 2016
By means of this disclosure Plaber Inc. with registered offices in 110 Chestnut Ridge Rd. #314 Montvale, NJ 07645 – in the capacity of personal data controller - wishes to inform you with regard to the processing of personal data that you provide by browsing this website.
For any clarification, information, or exercise of the rights listed in this disclosure, you may contact the Data Controller at the following addresses: ordinary mail, Plaber S.r.l., Via Divisione Tridentina 10, 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI), Italy; e-mail address, info@plaber.com; Tel. +39 0424 809150. Plaber Inc. appoints Plaber S.r.l. External data processor for marketing, promotional, commercial purposes.
Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 and EU Reg. 2016/679 establish the rules to protect and safeguard natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data, and this disclosure is drawn up in accordance with the new afore-mentioned legislation.
This disclosure may be subject to amendments as a result of the introduction of new legislation, so please visit this section periodically for updates.
The Privacy Policy you are now reading refers exclusively to the website www.hprcusa.com and Plaber Inc. is not liable for the way personal data processing is handled by third party websites that can be linked through the Cookie section, or by means of any referral links on the website.
General processing principles
The processing will be carried out by means of collection, registration, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction and will be performed by the data controller, the data supervisors and the persons authorised to process the data.
Personal data is: processed lawfully, fairly and transparently; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and subsequently processed in a way that is not incompatible with those purposes; adequate, relevant, limited to that which is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed; accurate and up-to-date, with the Data Controller undertaking to adopt the necessary measures to delete or rectify the data in relation to the purposes for which it is processed; kept in a form that enables the identification of the data subject for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is processed; processed with the utmost confidentiality, both using IT instruments and in hard copy form, in compliance with the principles laid down by the European Regulation on the protection of personal data, with the requirements issued by the Supervisory Authority and in any case in such a way as to ensure adequate security, including protection, with appropriate technical and organisational measures, from unauthorised or unlawful processing or from loss, including accidental.
Non-registered users are also permitted to browse this website (however, only registered users are permitted to purchase products in the on-line shop). No identifying data will be collected by simple browsing. However, by means of the use of cookies, information that the user does not provide directly will be gathered. For the purposes, the legal basis and any other information on the processing of data collected when browsing the website, please refer to the cookie policy.
By filling in the contact form entitled “CONTACT”, the user provides his or her identifying data (first name, surname, company name, address, city, postal code, etc.). This data is processed for the purpose of issuing the information requested by the user and is done by means of computerised systems.
The processing is lawful insofar as, by filling in the contact form, the data subject expresses consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The data is processed for the period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the requested service.
The disclosure of such data does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
Personal data is not subject to dissemination and may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of processing (employees and/or associates of Plaber S.r.l.).
TRANSFER OF DATA OUTSIDE THE EU: The personal data is not transferred outside European Union. Should the transfer be necessary, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 et seq. of EU Regulation No. 679/2016.
By filling in the contact form entitled “SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER”, the user provides his or her identifying data (e-mail - mandatory field -, company name, first name, surname, country, province). This personal data is processed for the purpose of sending advertisements and improving the service offered, and is processed by means of computerised systems.
The processing is lawful insofar as, by signing up to the newsletter the data subject expresses consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The retention period for the data disclosed ends with the withdrawal of the consent expressed previously by the user, and in any case will end when the use of the personal data collected is no longer necessary for the pursuit of the above-mentioned purposes. The user may unsubscribe at any time by using the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each commercial communication received, or by contacting the addresses already indicated in the “general information” section.
The disclosure of such data does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g. employees working in the marketing sector; external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
Plaber, for the stated purposes, uses the Mailchimp platform, operated by the company Rocket Science Group // 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.
The transfer of data abroad via the Mailchimp platform is lawful as Rocket Science Group has included standard contractual clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission in its contracts with customers. Users are invited to read the privacy disclosure issued by Mailchimp on the website https://mailchimp.com.
By filling in the contact form, the user discloses his or her personal data (first name, surname, address, e-mail), provides pictures relating to the purchased product and provides a product review. Data is processed for promotional purposes, for advertising on the website, for direct sales, for sending advertising material, market research, commercial communication, by means of the use of traditional methods (hard copy mail or telephone calls with operator) and by means the use of automated methods (e-mail, pre-recorded telephone calls, mms, sms, whatsapp and the like) and may be communicated for marketing purposes to third party companies.
The processing of the data for the sending of free gifts and for the publication of the review on the website is lawful insofar as, by filling in the “rate us” form, the data subject expresses consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016. The processing of the data for direct sales purposes, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communications and communicating data to third parties for marketing purposes is lawful if and insofar as the data subject specifically expresses consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The retention period for the data disclosed ends with the withdrawal of the consent expressed previously by the user and in any event once 2 years from registration have elapsed. The user may unsubscribe at any time by contacting the addresses already indicated in the “general information” section.
The disclosure of such data does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data required does not permit the performance of the service, consisting of the sending of a free product, and the pursuit of the purposes set out above.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber Inc. (e.g. employees working in the marketing sector; external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
Personal data may be disclosed for promotional purposes to third-party companies. The full list is available to the user should they request it using the following e-mail address: info@plaber.com.
The transfer of user data outside the European Union is not envisaged. Should the transfer be necessary, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 et seq. of EU Regulation No. 679/2016.
By filling in the “REGISTER NOW” contact form, the user provides his or her identifying data (customer type, first name, surname, gender, address, tax code, certified e-mail, e-mail, telephone number, date and place of birth, SDI (interchange system) code). Furthermore, in the "YOUR AREA" section, by clicking "MY CONTACT LIST", the user may enter an alternative destination address for the delivery of the purchased product, and this is intended to improve the service requested.
The processing of such data is aimed at dispatching the purchase order, fulfilling accounting, administrative, fiscal and civil law obligations, as well as, in the event of explicit consent by the user, sending sales and promotional information and may be communicated for marketing purposes to third party companies. The data subject is also informed that the personal data that the Data Controller will come into possession of upon finalisation of the contract with the customer, and in particular the e-mail address, may be used in the future for promotional activities relating to services similar to those covered by the contract. The data subject may always object to the processing, with a simple request to be sent to the Data Controller using the email address indicated.
The processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling a purchase order is lawful insofar as it is "necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the data subject's request" (Article 6, letter b) of the European Regulation); the processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling obligations concerning accounting, administrative, fiscal and civil law matters envisaged by the law is lawful insofar as it is "necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject" (Article 6, letter c) of the European Regulation No. 679/2016); The processing of personal data for direct sales purposes, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communications and communicating date to third parties is lawful if and insofar as the data subject has expressed consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The processing of data that the Data Controller will come into possession of upon finalisation of the contract with the customer for the sending of future commercial communications relating to services similar to those covered by the contract is lawful insofar as it is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (Article 6, letter f) of European Regulation No. 679/2016).
The personal data processed for the purposes of dispatching the purchase order and for the purposes of fulfilling accounting, administrative, tax and civil law obligations shall be retained for the entire duration of the contractual relationship (negotiations, finalisation and execution of the contract) and for ten years after the termination of the contractual relationship itself and/or in any case in accordance with the requirements of current civil, tax and administrative legislation on data retention. A longer period of retention of personal data may possibly be determined by requests made by the Public Administration Authorities or another judicial, governmental or regulatory body, or by the participation of the undersigned company in legal proceedings involving the processing of personal data provided by data subjects.
Personal data processed for the purposes of direct sales, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communication will be kept for a period of 2 years from the time of collection and in any case until the data subject concerned has informed the Data Controller of his/her wish to delete his/her personal data from the Data Controller's archives and/or not to receive promotional communications.
The disclosure of the data for the indicated purposes does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g. employees working in the marketing sector; external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
Personal data may be disclosed for promotional purposes to third-party companies. The full list is available to the user should they request it using the following e-mail address: info@plaber.com.
Personal data may be disclosed for promotional purposes to third-party companies. In particular, PLABER informs the data subject that the contact data will be transferred to the company Trustpilot A/S, Pilestraede 58, 5th floor, DK-1112 Copenhagen K, which, as external data supervisor, may contact the data subject in order to obtain a review on the quality of PLABER's products. The full list is available to the user should they request it. Write an e-mail to info@plaber.com.
Plaber, for the stated purposes, uses the Mailchimp platform, operated by the company Rocket Science Group // 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.
The transfer of data abroad via the Mailchimp platform is lawful as Rocket Science Group has included standard contractual clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission in its contracts with customers. Users are invited to read the privacy disclosure issued by Mailchimp on the website https://mailchimp.com
By clicking on “PRODUCTS” in the main menu on the homepage, the user can view the products offered to the public for purchase. Clicking on the image of the chosen product will open a new page where the user can view the specific characteristics of the product and, in the case of a request for information, can fill in the “INFORMATION REQUEST” contact form. By filling in the same the user provides his or her identifying data (first name, surname, e-mail, etc.). This data is processed for the purpose of issuing the information requested by the user.
The processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling a purchase order is lawful insofar as it is "necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the data subject's request" (Article 6, letter b) of the European Regulation.
The data is processed for the period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the requested service.
The disclosure of the data for the indicated purposes does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g. external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system).The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
The personal data is not transferred outside European Union. Should the transfer be necessary, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 et seq. of EU Regulation No. 679/2016.
By clicking on “BUSINESS SOLUTIONS” in the main menu on the homepage, the user can view the services offered to the public. If the user intends to contact Plaber S.r.l. to request customisation of the product he/she intends to purchase, he/she will find the contact form "CONTACT US FOR YOUR CUSTOMISATION" at the bottom of the page displayed. By filling in the same the user provides his or her identifying data (first name, surname, e-mail, etc.). This data is processed for the purpose of issuing the information requested by the user.
The processing of personal data for the purpose of customisation of the product is lawful insofar as it is "necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the data subject's request" (Article 6, letter b) of the European Regulation.
The data is processed for the period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the requested service.
The disclosure of the data for the indicated purposes does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g., external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
The personal data is not transferred outside European Union. Should the transfer be necessary, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 et seq. of EU Regulation No. 679/2016.
By clicking on “LASER” in the main menu on the homepage, the user can view the services offered to the public. If the user intends to contact Plaber Inc. to request customisation of the product he/she intends to purchase, he/she will find the contact form "CONTACT US FOR YOUR CUSTOMISATION" at the bottom of the page displayed. By filling in the same the user provides his or her identifying data (first name, surname, e-mail, etc.). This data is processed for the purpose of issuing the information requested by the user.
The processing of personal data for the purpose of customisation of the product is lawful insofar as it is "necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the data subject's request" (Article 6, letter b) of the European Regulation.
The data is processed for the period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the requested service.
The disclosure of the data for the indicated purposes does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g., external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
The personal data is not transferred outside European Union. Should the transfer be necessary, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 et seq. of EU Regulation No. 679/2016.
By clicking on "ADD TO CART" or "ADD TO WISHLIST" the user expresses his or her preferences on a particular product, and only after the order has been placed, this personal data - cross-referenced with other data already provided - may be used to improve the service offered and send advertising in line with the user's preferences.
The processing of the personal data for direct sales purposes, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communications is lawful if and insofar as the data subject has expressed consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
Personal data processed for the purposes of direct sales, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communication will be kept for a period of 2 years from the time of collection and in any case until the data subject concerned has informed the Data Controller of his/her wish to delete his/her personal data from the Data Controller's archives and/or not to receive promotional communications.
The user is not obliged to provide such data, however, failure to indicate his or her preferences makes the service offered by the company less effective. The user may at any time request the deletion of his or her data by accessing the “My area” space and clicking on the appropriate links or by contacting the company at the addresses indicated in the “General Information” section of this disclosure.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g., employees working in the marketing sector; external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
TRANSFER OF DATA OUTSIDE THE EU: Plaber, for the stated purposes, uses the Mailchimp platform, operated by the company Rocket Science Group // 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.
The transfer of data abroad via the Mailchimp platform is lawful as Rocket Science Group has included standard contractual clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission in its contracts with customers. Users are invited to read the privacy disclosure issued by Mailchimp on the website https://mailchimp.com.
By filling in the “FINALISE YOUR PURCHASE ORDER” section, the user proceeds with the purchase of the product and, for such purposes, provides personal data. The disclosure of such data depends on a contractual obligation as it is aimed at the purchase of the product. Some personal data has already been entered at the time of registration (first name, surname, address, etc.), other data will have to be entered for the first time in this section (credit card holder, card number, security code).
The processing of such data is aimed at dispatching the purchase order, fulfilling accounting, administrative, fiscal and civil law obligations, as well as, in the event of explicit consent by the user, sending sales and promotional information. (Newsletter, direct sales, sending advertising material, market research, commercial communication, by means of the use of traditional methods (hard copy mail or telephone calls with operator) and by means the use of automated methods (e-mail, fax, pre-recorded telephone calls, mms, SMS, WhatsApp and the like). Data may be disclosed for marketing purposes to third-party companies.
The data subject is also informed that the personal data that the Data Controller will come into possession of upon finalisation of the contract with the customer, and in particular the e-mail address, may be used in the future for promotional activities relating to services similar to those covered by the contract. The data subject may always object to the processing, with a simple request to be sent to the Data Controller using the email address indicated.
The processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling a purchase order is lawful insofar as it is "necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon the data subject's request" (Article 6, letter b) of the European Regulation); the processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling obligations concerning accounting, administrative, fiscal and civil law matters envisaged by the law is lawful insofar as it is "necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject" (Article 6, letter c) of the European Regulation No. 679/2016); the processing of personal data for direct sales purposes, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communications and communicating data to third parties for marketing purposes is lawful if and insofar as the data subject has expressed consent to the processing of his or her personal data, pursuant to Article 6, letter a) of European Regulation No. 679/2016.
The processing of data that the Data Controller will come into possession of upon finalisation of the contract with the customer for the sending of future commercial communications relating to services similar to those covered by the contract is lawful insofar as it is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller (Article 6, letter f) of European Regulation No. 679/2016).
The personal data processed for the purposes of dispatching the purchase order and for the purposes of fulfilling accounting, administrative, tax and civil law obligations shall be retained for the entire duration of the contractual relationship (negotiations, finalisation and execution of the contract) and for ten years after the termination of the contractual relationship itself and/or in any case in accordance with the requirements of current civil, tax and administrative legislation on data retention. A longer period of retention of personal data may possibly be determined by requests made by the Public Administration Authorities or another judicial, governmental or regulatory body, or by the participation of the undersigned company in legal proceedings involving the processing of personal data provided by data subjects.
Personal data processed for the purposes of direct sales, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communication, and communications to third parties for marketing purposes will be kept for a period of 2 years from the time of collection and in any case until the data subject concerned has informed the Data Controller of his/her wish to delete his/her personal data from the Data Controller's archives and/or not to receive promotional communications.
The disclosure of the data for the indicated purposes does not depend on a legal or contractual obligation. The disclosure of data is therefore optional, however, the omission of the data to be entered in the mandatory fields means that the company will be unable to provide the requested service.
The personal data in the data controller’s possession is not subject to dissemination.
Personal data may be disclosed to the individuals in charge of the processing and to the data supervisors. In particular, the data may be disclosed to employees and/or associates, internal and external, of Plaber (e.g., employees working in the marketing sector; external companies that have access to the data controller's computer system). The full list of the external data supervisors is available to the user should they request it.
Personal data may be disclosed for promotional purposes to third-party companies. The full list is available to the user should they request it using the following e-mail address: info@plaber.com.
TRANSFER OF DATA OUTSIDE THE EU: Plaber, for the stated purposes, uses the Mailchimp platform, operated by the company Rocket Science Group // 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.
The transfer of data abroad via the Mailchimp platform is lawful as Rocket Science Group has included standard contractual clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission in its contracts with customers. Users are invited to read the privacy disclosure issued by Mailchimp on the website https://mailchimp.com.
Right to withdraw consent
The processing of data that has a legal basis in the consent of the data subject shall give the user the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data; in any case, withdrawal of consent to processing shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on the consent given prior to withdrawal.
The data subject always has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of the personal data for direct sales purposes, the sending of advertising material, market research, commercial communications.
Right to lodge a complaint
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is represented by the Data Protection Authority. The complaint may be submitted by the data subject in the manner deemed most appropriate: by hand, by registered letter with advice of receipt or by e-mail. For information, the data subject is invited to consult the website of the Authoritywww.garanteprivacy.it.
Rights accorded to the data subject
The data subject has the right to obtain access to the personal data from the data controller.
In particular, the data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not data concerning him or her is being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information:
a) the origin of the personal data, if the data is not collected from the data subject;
b) the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed, in particular if they are recipients in third countries or international organisations;
d) the proposed retention period for the personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria adopted to determine that period;
e) the existence of the right of the data subject to request from the data controller the rectification or deletion of personal data concerning him/her or the limitation of the processing of data concerning him/her or to oppose said processing;
f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
g) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.
h) where the data is transferred to a third country or international organisation, the adequate guarantees pursuant to Article 46 of Regulation No. 679/2016 of such transfer.
The consumer resident in Europe should be aware that the European Commission has set up an on-line platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European consumer to settle in a non-judicial manner any dispute relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded on-line. The European consumer may use this platform for the settlement of any dispute arising from the on-line contract concluded with the Seller. The platform is available via the following link (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/).
Disclosure on the use of cookies EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (“GDPR”)
Plaber Inc. safeguards the confidentiality of personal data and guarantees it the necessary protection from any event that might put it at risk of violation. As required by the European Union Regulation No. 2016/679 ("GDPR") and current legislation on the processing of personal data we provide the user ("Data Subject") with information relating to the so-called “cookies”.
Data Controller
Plaber Inc. appoints Plaber S.r.l. External data processor for marketing, promotional, commercial purposes as well as Data Controller.
The Data Controller is Plaber S.r.l. with registered offices in Via Divisione Tridentina 10, 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI), Italy with VAT number and Tax Code 03312270246, E&A Index No. VI 315124.
For the exercise of the rights listed in this disclosure, the data subject may contact the Data Controller at the following addresses: ordinary mail, Plaber S.r.l., Via Divisione Tridentina 10, 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI), Italy; e-mail address, info@plaber.com; Tel. +39 0424 809150.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small strings of text that websites visited by the user send to the user’s computer (usually to the browser), where they are stored, to then be re-transmitted to the same websites the next time the same user visits.
When browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies on his/her computer that are sent by different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), on which certain elements may reside (such as, for instance, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the website the same is visiting.
Technical, analytical and profiling cookies
Technical cookies enable the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network or the provision of a service requested by the user. For example, technical cookies are those that automatically recognise the language the user is using, those that facilitate on-line purchases, those that make home banking procedures less complex and more secure, etc. (these cookies are also referred to as preference cookies in the disclosure).
Technical cookies can be separated into session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, and persistent cookies, which remain stored in the user's computer until the established expiry date.
Analytical cookies are used by website operators to collect information of a statistical nature in an aggregate manner (e.g., to find out the number of visitors to the website).
Profiling cookies control the user's browsing, tracking it in order to monitor and profile the user (by tastes, habits, consumption choices, to send personalised advertising).
Processed data
Cookies may collect personal data and information such as the IP address, nationality, city, date/time, device, browser, operating system, screen resolution, browsing source, pages visited and number of pages, duration of visit, number of visits made.
The use of third-party cookies is governed by the rules laid down by the third parties themselves; therefore, the Data Subject is invited to read the personal data processing disclosures published on the web pages of the third parties.
Cookies installed, purposes, deactivation and handling of the cookies
The cookies installed by the hprc.it website are specifically indicated in the “Details” section, which can be accessed from the information banner that appears when you first access the website, or from the following widget on each page.

Plaber Inc. uses ReCaptcha on its websites and in its services to check whether data entry (e.g., in a contact or registration form) is made by a person or by an automated programme in order to prevent misuse of the services provided. The use of ReCaptcha is subject to the Privacy Policies and the Terms of the Captcha Friendly Service which can be found at the following link https://friendlycaptcha.com/legal/.
The use of third-party cookies is governed by the rules laid down by the third parties; therefore, the Data Subject is invited to read the personal data processing disclosures and the indications for handling or disabling cookies published on the related web pages.
The third-party cookies used on this website are not directly controlled by the website owner and consequently, in order to deactivate them or for more information, the user must follow the procedures indicated below:
1) by clicking on http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ the user can obtain more information on the concept of behavioural advertising as well as obtain information on third-party cookies, and promotional and targeting cookies stored on their computer. The user can proceed to deactivate all or just some of the cookies by clicking on the following link: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/
2) for the handling and deactivation of third-party cookies installed by the website, it is necessary to access the disclosures and consent forms of those third parties by clicking on the links indicated.
The website uses Google Analytics for the installation of analytical technical cookies on the user’s computer. The data generated by Google Analytics is stored under the terms indicated in the disclosure available at the following link:
The Google Inc. privacy disclosure is by contrast available at the following address: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it&gl=it
The user may deactivate Google Analytics by installing the opt-out add-on provided at the following link on his or her browser: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Blocking these cookies will not affect the user's browsing experience.
On some pages of the website there are interactive maps provided by Google Inc., which may install cookies to collect information and preferences related to the service. For more information on this service and to deactivate the related cookies, the user can consult Google's privacy policy: http://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/privacy/
The website also uses third-party cookies to enable the user to communicate with the website owner quickly, without the use of e-mail or any other contact form, but merely by means of a direct chat. These cookies are necessary to improve the service offered. For any further information, see the privacy disclosure provided by the third party: https://www.livechatinc.com/privacy-policy/
Facebook Pixels may be present on the pages of the website to measure advertising campaigns and to create more effective adverts on Facebook. Through these code fragments, the user will be able to display targeted advertising on various social networks or partner websites. For any further information consult the Facebook privacy disclosure:
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This website also uses profiling cookies for advertising targeting aimed at sending the user advertising based on the tastes and preferences expressed by the same while browsing. For more information or to deactivate these cookies, please click on the following links:
- with regard to “google.com” profiling cookies, https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it
- with regard to “doubleclick.net” profiling cookies: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/7549925?hl=it
The user may at any time manage or request the general deactivation or deletion of cookies by changing the settings of his or her Internet browser. Such deactivation, however, may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the website or make browsing less functional. The settings for managing or deactivating cookies may vary depending on the Internet browser used. Therefore, for more information on how to carry out these operations, we suggest that the User consult the manual of his or her device or the “Help” function of his or her Internet browser.
Below are links indicating how to manage or disable cookies for the most popular internet browsers:
Communication to third parties and categories of recipients
The personal data collected by the Data Controller through the use of cookies may be disclosed to third parties whose activities are necessary for the performance of operations relating to the processing carried out and to comply with certain legal obligations. In particular, the data may be disclosed to suppliers of the website service. The Data Controller appoints its suppliers as external data supervisors, obliging the supervisor to comply with security and data protection measures.
Transfer of data outside the EU
The website installs cookies of third parties that are based outside the European Union: Facebook, Google Analytics. Users are invited to read the disclosures issued by these third parties.
Data retention period
The data retention period is linked to the persistence of the cookies.
Please see the table present in the section “Cookies installed, purposes, deactivation and handling of the cookies “.
Rights of the data subject
The data subject has the right to obtain access to the personal data from the data controller.
In particular, the data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not data concerning him or her is being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information:
a) the origin of the personal data, if the data is not collected from the data subject;
b) the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed, in particular if they are recipients in third countries or international organisations;
d) the proposed retention period for the personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria adopted to determine that period;
e) the existence of the right of the data subject to request from the data controller the rectification or deletion of personal data concerning him/her or the limitation of the processing of data concerning him/her or to oppose said processing;
f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
g) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.
h) where the data is transferred to a third country or international organisation, the adequate guarantees pursuant to Article 46 of Regulation No. 679/2016 of such transfer.
Right to lodge a complaint
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is represented by the Data Protection Authority. The complaint may be submitted by the data subject in the manner deemed most appropriate: by hand, by registered letter with advice of receipt or by e-mail. For information, the data subject is invited to consult the website of the Authority www.garanteprivacy.it.